Art Licensing Workshop Held for Providing Creative Security to the Artists Commercially [VIDEO]

By Surojit Malick (TNI Howrah) | TNI Editing Kolkata

Webdesk, TNI Kolkata, 13th July, 2017: The first of its kind, Art Licensing workshop was held on 8th July, 2017 at Gallery Gold, Kolkata. It was organized by IP Mall in collaboration with “art of colors” jointly. The event saw a good number of footfalls with participants coming from different states to garner knowledge and be accustomed to the concept of Art Licensing. Mr. Ashrujit Basu, a renowned Intellectual Property lawyer from Kolkata, hosted this event and spoke on the various aspects of Art Licensing in India. According to him, the Art Licensing is not a much-discussed topic here in West Bengal, yet but in the west, through Art Licensing is a very important and necessary aspect of Art Marketing. It is peaking up in India over recently.

The “IP Mall”, headed by Mr. Ashrujit Basu, is on a mission to bring this knowledge and implement it. The participants of the workshop interacted with the host about the concept of Art Licensing. The key resource persons of the workshop were Mr. Ashrujit Basu himself. Apart from him, there was Digital Marketer, Mr. Debdut Mukherjee, answering to the IT related aspects of Art Licensing of the participants. Hopefully, there would be more such interactions in various platforms to be coming up for the upcoming and the present artists of this state. Overall it was a successful session for the organizers. The team is really glad that they could inspire people to dive into the field of Art Licensing.

Photo and Video: Surojit Malick (TNI)

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